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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Dogstar Talks About Future Plans

In recent news, Dogtsar has shared that it has big plans for the future and intends to continue making music.

The band, which features Keanu Reeves as its bassist, Bret Domorse as the vocalist and guitarist, and Rob Mailhouse as the drummer, has just dropped a new single.

The recent release, Everything Turns Around came after a 23-year- hiatus. In addition, the band is planning on releasing an entire album as well, called Somewhere Between The Power Lines and Palm Trees.

As per the reveal of the album, it is going to be put out on the 6th of October. 

In the words of the band, it is only getting started and is planning on following up the album and the single with additional music in the upcoming years.

Keanu went on to say that they have ended their hiatus, and the band members fully intend to soon begin recording another song. 

He further stated that Dogstar does not just want to be in the studio either. Rather, it plans on going on tour, it wants to play on stage and travel across the globe.

Moreover, the bassist believes that once the band starts performing again, it is going to be able to give the audience great shows and ensure that they have a great time attending. 

Dogstar also expressed its happiness at the fact that all of its old fans are psyched about the band getting back together. However, it insisted that the new music that it has been working on is nothing like the previous work that fans love so much.

Either way, Bret believes, fans are going to love the things that they have to say through the new music. He added that these new songs are lighter than what they used to make.

This means that the subject matter will be different than before, especially given that the band has had new experiences and is now returning after more than 20 years.

According to the guitarist, the band members were surprised to hear what they made because it is not part of their usual music.

In his words, the song came out happy, which means that the men are not as depressed as they used to be. Despite the fact that not every song Dogstar makes will be happy, it will be fun and different. 

Keanu additionally revealed that the new music is not reminiscent of the band from the olden days. Instead, it has been reborn and managed to develop a new sound. 

The band members went on to add that they worked with Dave Trumfio, record producer, and Ruddy Lee Culler, music engineer, which has made their work quite sophisticated. 

Dogstar praised the skill that went into perfecting their craft and ensuring that it is ready for the rest of the world to hear. 

The group recalled how it was previously labeled rather unfairly as a grunge band, despite the fact that it never chased a sound. It says that it never wanted to be like everyone else or any one band, which is why Dogstar focused on doing its own thing.

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