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Monday, November 29, 2021

Taylor Swift Unable To Process Being Compared To The Beatles

Taylor Swift recently revealed that she is unable to process the compliment paid to her by Billy Joel when he compared her to the Beatles, saying that she is just as talented. 

The maker of the Piano Man was questioned about the popular singers of this generation while giving an interview earlier in the month. He took to praising Swift, as well as Adele, saying that the former was much like the Beatles of this generation. 

Later in an interview, the Shake It Off star was asked about the comments made by Billy Joel regarding her. She openly admitted that she had been unable to comprehend that such a respected and talented icon had compared her to a legendary band. According to her, the comparison had blown her mind completely. 

Swift went on to joke that perhaps she and the interviewer had hallucinated those comments made by Billy Joel because she was at a loss for words. She added how she is a huge fan of his and that she watched his video of complimenting her several times to be sure that he actually compared her to the Beatles. 

During his interview, Joel referred to Swift as a talented girl and appreciated her efforts at being productive. He further lauded her for being creative and coming up with new songs and concepts. The icon also praised Swift’s songwriting skills, as well as her music as a whole. 

Joel also called Adele a phenomenal singer, who was just like Barbra Streisand when she was at her peak back in the day. 

In other news, the Montero (Call Me By Your Name) singer, Lil Nas X, has revealed that his sole focus at the moment is his music career. He added that he is not at all interested in having a partner, who will take a huge chunk of his time. Therefore, he broke up with his boyfriend earlier in the year and is not currently looking for a new relationship. According to him, he does not have time to dedicate to a significant other. 

While giving an interview, he talked about how he had been waiting for someone to sweep him off his feet for so long and that he had been dying to fall in love. However, he pointed out that a relationship is a real responsibility, which requires ample time. In the singer’s words, he does not want to have to answer anyone, rather disappears for a week to focus on his music and himself. 

The 22-year-old added that he sometimes craves company but is not yet ready to commit to anyone and prioritize them over his music. He pointed out that he does like to hang out with his friends at times and that is enough for now. The popstar talked about how he gets sad sometimes and needs company but that he has enough love for himself that he can deal with things alone.

Lil Nas X further asserted that when the time comes for him to fall in love, it will be natural, and he will prioritize the person he loves.

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