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Friday, August 5, 2016

Hailee Steinfeld Says She Was Bullied Excessively When She Was Teenager

Hailee Steinfeld who is also showcasing her fine acting skills in Hollywood movies began her music career with debut her album “Haiz”. She has recently prepared herself for a new role in an upcoming film "The Edge with of Seventeen". Her character is of an awkward teenager who lives with her celebrity brother and is often neglected.

The American singer is facing no such problems in the depicting different shades of the character. In fact, she used her personal bullying experiences to get into the depth of the character. She says she has lived this kind of life and her roll has a lot of same things she had in her teenage life.

In an interview with a local magazine, Hailee said, it's an amazing movie and her roll is of a young girl who goes through same bullying experiences she had once in her life. Situations came when it was like everything is vanished and the world is ended. She said sometimes it's just like know everything about, for example, who are you and what are you good at.

The actress had an imperfect schooling life. Her awful high school life still makes her struggle to express herself and her past. She said she was used to get up early in her school days and every morning she would get a trick call. She was given threat calls from nonsense students who'd tell her to come to school and they would kick on her butt. This made her leave for school early in back way. Hailee said it was absurd but this is how she would start her every day.

The 19-year-old had spent times when she would return to her desk in the classroom and find hand sanitizer all over her belongings and in her water bottle. Monkey business people would come by and crash her locker shut when she was still putting her things inside. Hailee says these are the most ridiculous things in that people normally see only in television drama series and films but she had actually gone through all this.

According to the singer, she is grownup now and most importantly has come out of dreadful period of bullying. However, she admits she still needs to struggle with insecurities.

She says she has definitely had moments where she was browsing through social media and saw some very pretty models who she thinks people don't remember are hereditarily a certain way, and then ponders why they can’t look like that.

The singer is willing to make her best music album and she thinks she can attempt to make it possible. She says she wants to reach a level where she can be the boss of her own arena and can manage everything for herself. She is sure she will make it happen very soon.

Hailee is confident to lean on when things are tough around her. She says she has now strong support of her friends and so she can fight the problems. She admires her pop star friend Taylor Swift and says she is a gem and a true friend and they spend a lot of time with each other. 

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